Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

It’s Time To Micro-dose

As we get older and spend more time adulting we spend less time, or even no time, in the cultivation of fun.

It’s time to start micro-dosing on fun everyday.

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Because You Deserve It.

Sometimes we put everyone else first and neglect our own needs and self care. Thinking its maybe selfish or perhaps that we don’t deserve it.

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

I peed my pants…..

I had stress incontinence.

I thought it was normal.

I thought it was another thing we had to put up with as a woman.

Turns out its not!

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Are you afraid to fall?

There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky.

And you ask, What if I fall?

Oh my darling what if you fly….

Erin Hanson

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Celebrate Stiffness

You see, stiffness and tightness are not necessarily bad. In yoga we tend to demonise them though in favour flexibility and compliance.

But stiff tissue actually transmits force more effectively than compliant tissue. So if you are wanting to run or lift heavy things, stiffness is your friend. Your muscles will not have to work as hard making you more efficient!

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Tis The Season To Feel Jolly…..But What If You Don’t?

T’was the weeks before Christmas and all through the house, anxiety was brewing, seeding even more doubts.

The stockings weren’t hung and the cupboards were bare, little hope of a Christmas filled with good cheer.

The emails were mounting, the stress levels too. All this work by Christmas, whatever are we to do?!

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Nip it in the Butt

After years of practicing yoga have you finally achieved a Yoga Butt?

Yoga Butt is a colloquial term referring to proximal hamstring pain or tenderness. The technical term for this is Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy.

It is a common complaint in yogis, dancers, runners and quite frankly can be a pain in the butt! (1)

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Are You Solar Powered?

Life is glorious, but life is also wretched. It is both - Pema Chodron

If you are solar powered like me, then you are probably struggling a little bit with winter right now.

Every winter I go through a period where I feel the pull towards my depressive tendencies - I feel melancholic, tearful, unmotivated and disinterested in things that normally bring me joy.

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

You Are Already Whole

You are already whole - your true nature is free and blissful. The yoga practice (sādhāna) is simply about removing the impediments that prevent us from seeing this.

This teaching becomes even more potent when we apply it to pain.

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

You Are Stronger Than You Think...

In the immortal words of Superman “you are much stronger than you think you are”

I whole-heartedly believe this, and it is a message echoed within Yogic Philosophy.

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Don’t Blame It On The Boogie

When I was completing my Yoga Teacher Training I suffered a bulging disc in my back and crippling low back pain.

I blamed the pose that it happened in. I blamed Yoga.

But low back pain is a complex issue, less often caused by a one-off incident and more often because of a myriad of things - cumulative stress and repetitive strain, as well as psychosocial factors.

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

The Elephant In The Room

Anyone else out there feeling emotional right now? I feel saddened by what is happening in the Ukraine. A real sense of wanting to help but not really knowing how, other than sending money.

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Kylie Rook Kylie Rook

Woke Up and Neck Minute…….

Ever woken up with a stiff neck?
Felt a neck muscle spasm?
Have a tight neck and shoulders at the end of most days?
Or simply brushing your hair and then neck minute…

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